Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God Has A Plan

Psalm 40, Genesis 37, 2 Chronicles 14, Acts 8

Genesis 37 -
Genesis 37 lays the foundation for the story of Joseph's rise to power in Egypt. Who would have thought, just reading Genesis 37, that a boy, hated by his brothers, a bit arrogant, and a dreamer would accomplish the things that he would accomplish over the years to come?

Joseph's story teaches us the sovereignty of Christ. God had a plan for Joseph that involved his being sold into slavery. The young arrogant boy would not have understood that plan. Neither would the brothers. What the brothers meant for evil, God turned to good.

I wonder how many of life's circumstances that we find ourselves complaining about are truly blessings of God in disguise. We need to be a people who trust in the sovereignty of God, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Acts 8 - Acts 8 is an important chapter in the history of the early church. It is in this chapter that we see the Gospel proclaimed in Samaria. There were some believers who were shocked to see that the Samaritans had received the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit and dispatched Peter and John to see if it was true.

It certainly was true. Jesus had told the disciples to make disciples of all nations, and that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Jerusalem and Judea had already begun to respond to the Gospel. Now Samaria was.

Remember, Samaritans and Jews did not get along. One of the markers of the church of Jesus Christ is that the world will know we are Christians because we love one another. Praise God for this truth! We can rejoice that the Gospel has spread, and continue to pray for the Gospel to reach every culture.

May we as a church always be known for our love for one another.

For notes on all of today's passages click here.

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